Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition @ Petronas Gallery

An exhibition not to be missed.

You can find more information about the exhibition here and here.

The organisers were kind enough to allow me to take some photographs. Not very clear, I am afraid, but I hope it is enough to encourage you to make a trip to the Twin Towers before the exhibition moves on to the next city.

The number of entrys is a mind-boggling 60,000 plus. I guess if I had submitted my photo, it would probably be buried somewhere deeeeeep.

My new model, Vincent Foong. During his short speech, he shared with us that he had been taking photographs for 30 years. And that when he changed to DSLR, he took photographs every morning before he goes to work. What dedication!

While we were there, I saw a number of Malaysian greats - artists and photographers. Among them are Jeff Lim, Yeoh Kian Thye, and Yusuf Gajah. Too bad I could not stay to chat, and take some bites from the sumptuous cocktail they have laid out.

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